More than Just a Bouquet
Roses are a great Valentine’s Day surprise, especially when received unknowingly. The gesture can backfire, however, if you send your sweetheart a bouquet full of pesticides. While roses are beautiful to see and smell, they can carry a number of chemicals from both the fields and the greenhouses. Roses are often grown with over 30 different pesticides, including some that are in the same chemical class as the nerve gas Sarin, which was classified as a weapon of mass destruction in UN Resolution 687. Ventilation in the greenhouses is often poor and many workers are forced to handle these pesticide-treated plants regularly. Reports have indicated that some workers complain of headaches, blurred vision, and other pesticide-associated symptoms, according to the International Labor Organization. Luckily for us, the Natural Resources Defense Council continues to push for stricter pesticide regulations so your floral gift to your loved one won’t do more harm than happiness. Their first suggestion: Buy organic or local flowers. Local greenhouses will most likely be fresher and more environmental friendly. If you’re tight on time and don’t have time to stake out an organic greenhouse in your area, try either Organic Bouquet ( or FTD’s Go Green Living Collection (, both feature eco-friendly bouquets and organic gift baskets. If this posting has turned you off to flowers altogether, try a different treat such as a home cooked meal or a nice bottle of wine. (Refer back to my 5 Aphrodisiac Foods post for some stimulating Valentine’s Day meals!) Make this holiday extra special by giving your sweetheart the gift of good health. Don’t expose them to unnecessary pesticides on flowers. Take the necessary precautions so that you and yours can celebrate many more happy, healthy Valentine’s Days to come.