Emily’s Packaging Update

Hi everyone… Emily here again! I’m going to Expo West in just over one week and I cannot wait to talk with Michael Potter, President at Eden Foods. At Expo East in Baltimore this past September, I had the pleasure to speak briefly with him about the use of their BPA-Free cans. Now that I have taken 6 months to research more about the specific toxins in packaging that contribute to Breast Cancer, I cannot wait to ask all my questions!

Did you know that in your canned soup, vegetables, and meals, more than likely Bisphenol-A (BPA) leeches into that food item, thus into your body!? BPA is an endocrine disrupting chemical (EDC) according to TEDX, The Breast Cancer Fund and Silent Spring Institute, and has been banned from baby products in Canada, France and some states in the U.S.  This means that BPA can mimic natural estrogens and can send out unusual signals to the rest of our bodies…at far lower doses than our scientists originally thought. Endocrine Disruptors are a known contributor to Breast Cancer.

Through my research, I learned that companies use an epoxy resin lining in their cans that consists of BPA and epichlorohydrin. BPA is lipophilic, which means fat-seeking, so the BPA in the lining of the can is more likely to leech into fatty foods.  Many say there’s no alternative but explain to me why Eden Foods has been using a BPA-Free lining in their canned goods since April 1999! The reason you ask?

Eden uses cans lined with oleoresinous c-enamel. Oleoresin is a mixture of oil and resin extract from plants. The reason why almost all other companies don’t use it is because it costs a premium price. Now that I know Eden uses a great alternative for BPA-lined cans… what toxins do their other packaging decisions avoid? Hopefully I will get the chance to speak with Mr. Potter again to ask these questions. I will keep you all posted on any new information I get!


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