Our Small Group of Men behind the Women!
There was a day when the women behind the men weren’t recognized for their efforts. To avoid making that mistake again, we are very excited to highlight our support team of male students who have made the past few days happen.
First, James Winterhalter is our creative director who will be graduating with a dual degree in marketing and design this Spring. A beyond-talented video master, James worked around-the-clock to create the simple yet powerful message capturing our mission. His work can be seen at http://www.jameswinterhalter.com
Next, Davies DeCesare-Fousek, our webmaster, has been fondly dubbed “the magician”. Davies is a freshman (what? yes!) who calmly performed the many miracles we threw at him (especially at the last minute). We are so grateful!
Finally, junior Derek Monson is the President of the Isenberg Marketing Club. His Guerrilla-marketing efforts on campus the day of our launch and his support throughout have been invaluable.
Not only were we blessed to have their creative energies behind us, but also their work was completely donated. With thousands of views on You Tube less than a day after launch, we “never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world.” It is just making sure to work with the right ones.
Thank you James, Davies and Derek for being our small group of men behind the women!