‘Tis the Season for a Safer Holiday Lotion!
Winter is finally here — The season for hot chocolate, candy canes and snuggling by the fire is upon us once again. Aside from all these wonderful things, the winter cold can also cause dry irritated skin. But no fear, the ladies at Protect Our Breast have the solution for you! Lotions free of toxic chemicals, such as those by brands like Weleda, will leave your skin feeling soft, silky, and smooth during the cold winter months. With products vetted by our Science & Standards Advisory, we are very excited to partner with Weleda http://usa.weleda.com/ this holiday season.
When choosing a lotion this winter, be sure to look out for three potentially toxic ingredients: Parabans, “Fragrance,” and Phthalates. According to the Breast Cancer Fund, “Parabens are a group of compounds widely used as a preservative in creams, lotions, ointments, underarm deodorants and other cosmetics. They are absorbed through the skin and have been identified in biopsy samples from breast tumors.” In addition, “Fragrance,” is an ambiguous word that exempts companies from disclosing ingredients due to trade secret laws. A single “fragrance” can contain dozens of harmful chemicals. Lastly, be weary of phthalates, which are chemicals used as “plastic softeners,” that can be found in many personal care products. By avoiding these three ingredients, you may significantly reduce your chances of developing breast cancer, so make sure to read the label before you lather!
Because these chemicals are readily absorbed through the skin, it’s important to be aware of the ingredients in your daily personal care products, especially in lotion. In fact, The Breast Cancer Fund estimates that “the average American woman uses 12 personal care products a day, resulting in exposure to 126 unique chemicals”. Think about minimizing your exposure the next time you’re at the store. Look for products by brands like Weleda, which are free of these toxic chemicals. Let’s try this winter to keep our skin beautiful from the inside out!