Invest in Prevention: Donate Online
Many of you have asked how you can support the activities and expansion of Protect Our Breasts since you could not attend the Earth Day Yogathon and want to support the organization by making a donation. Tomorrow (April 29) starting at noon, and for 36 hours, Protect Our Breasts will be participating in the second annual UMassGives online giving campaign.
UMassGives supports specific campus efforts, and we are so fortunate to be considered a “special fund” with our own designation as shown in the screen shot (use this link to go to the donation page: There are added benefits to giving during this time. For example, there are specific time slots that if we receive the largest number of donations, we will receive extra dollars in support from the university. So, we are asking you to consider giving tomorrow from 1:00 to 2:00 pm. If this time is not good for you, we may also be eligible for the $1,000 with the most donors during the 36 hours and $250 to those in 2nd-5th place, so please do not hesitate to give.
Protect Our Breasts is working towards not being dependent on individual donations which is why we conducted our first fundraiser last week and we continue to work with a marketing advisory to assist us in developing self-sustaining revenue streams. As we grow to different campuses, we have found that our growth stage needs early investment and we are grateful to the Women for UMass Fund and others who have seeded our venture. We are also very grateful to take this wonderful opportunity to engage those who would like to contribute.
Please consider investing in prevention. We need to refuse breast cancer before it starts – not in the hospital, but in the grocery store. Help us share with other college students the importance of safer alternatives – without environmental toxins that contribute to this and many other terrible diseases.
Thank you for your help!