Protect Our Breasts Kicks Off Semester at Club & Activities Fairs Thanks to Equal Exchange!
At flagship UMass/Amherst, between 7,500 and 10,000 students attended the annual event (above) despite a few rain showers, and the chapter board members were able to add over 80 new online members and a couple of dozen interested in participating in on-campus information sharing. Newly elected President, Bianca Tamaskar and Vice President, Kat Nutting honchoed the event with Executive Board Chapter Liaison, Mary Lynch.
Next Wednesday, September 10, students at Syracuse University, led by founder Ellie Prather, will launch their chapter at the Student Involvement Fair from 11:30 to 3:00 pm on the Quad.
To reinforce the mission of the organization, the chapters are handing out full size Equal Exchange organic chocolate bars. The Fair Trade company works with small farmers to ensure, not only that the products are produced without synthetic pesticides, but that the workers are not exploited throughout the supply chain. The cacao for these bars has been grown in Peru as part of a small cooperative. The Equal Exchange company is itself an independent, cooperatively owned organization. We are so grateful for their generosity – sharing the importance of safer products without chemicals that contribute to breast cancer.