
Brand Partners

Brand Partners

Thank you to the following companies for your support of the mission of Protect Our Breasts.
Each of these companies has at least one product that has passed our vetting process. We are so appreciative of their donations.
collage of brand partnership logos

Safer Alternative Review Process

Protect Our Breasts has established a “safer alternative” review process based on established certification standards (below) for products.  And, for packaging, we ask brands to commit to working with their supplier to get a signed adherence affidavit that indicates the absence of certain chemicals used to make the container that appear on a substance list.

As our advisors continue to remind us, there is currently no way to confirm whether a product is safe for everyone. New science emerges every day. Benign chemicals may be combined in manufacturing to create unsafe results.  The best we can do is to choose  “SAFER alternative” products.  Many products clearly contain chemicals of concern.   We encourage avoiding those chemicals whenever possible by reading ingredient labels. This is not always easy, as in the case of “fragrance” a hidden catch-all for many concerning chemicals, especially phthalates.

The best available certifications to date to avoid some of these chemicals of concern are our baseline for ingredients and products:

Our POB Executive Director and National Executive Board researchers review peer-reviewed journal articles (from PubMed) and information from science-based sources such as Environmental Health News,, TEDX (, and Silent Spring Institute to identify chemicals of concern and share the information with our chapters and social media followers.

Trying to find and advise on safer choices is truly a difficult task but one that is important for our future health.  Our advisers help us determine credible sources and concept questions, but in no way do they have the testing capacity to determine if a product is “safe.” This is why you will find we refer to products as “safer” – never safe.

Protect Our Breasts is dedicated to transparency and authenticity. While we cannot suggest a product is safe, we will work towards a safer marketplace by highlighting those products with baseline certification and a commitment to safer packaging.

Become a Brand Partner

Become a Brand Partner

There is no cost to becoming a partner. In order to become a brand partner with Protect Our Breasts, we ask certified organic brands to sign a safer packaging commitment form to improve the safety of your product. Please remember, this can be as simple as sharing our chemicals of concern databases listed below with your packaging supplier. With the new awareness around chemical migration into products from packaging, our aim is to avoid these chemicals that may trigger breast cancer or other diseases later in life. We realize it will take the entire industry to move the needle on this, and it may be impossible to secure a safer version today. The aim is to one day be able to sign the affidavit.

Protect Our Breasts has grown into a community of Gen Z influencers across 50+ college and high school campuses as well as our social media followers. Our reason for partnering with brands is to provide these women and their peers with recommendations for safer alternatives. 

Please browse our resources below if you are interested in becoming a Brand Partner to promote your safer alternative brand! 

Becoming a Brand Partner

Protect Our Breasts Media Kit

Brand Partner Promotions

Brand Partner Opportunities

EDF Database



Commitment Form