Keeping Clean in the Time of COVID-19
Whether for virtual classes or virtual work, we are spending more time in our houses than ever. I totally get it; and having to spend all day in my room to do work for my classes, I find that it is so important to maintain not only an organized, but clean space. That’s why I’m going to give you some of the best tips for cleaning to help remove germs and dust without relying on products that may contain chemicals of concern.
Tip #1: Clean high-touch surfaces frequently! Examples include door knobs, light switches, etc. These areas often pose the highest concern for transmission of bacteria and viruses. Make sure, though, to read the ingredients of your household cleaners. One of the main chemicals of concern in these products is alkylphenols, a group of chemicals that are known endocrine disruptors. Look out for chemicals that end in -phenol such as:
- Propylphenol
- Butylphenol
- Nonylphenol
- Methylphenol
A great alternative for cleaning high-touch surfaces is to make your own reusable cleaning wipes like I did in POB’s DIY series on Youtube [link here].
Tip #2: Wash your bedding (including your pillowcases!) once a week or at least every two weeks. Not only will it help get rid of any bacteria or oil build-up, but nothing feels better than hopping into a bed with freshly cleaned sheets after a long day of Zoom calls! When drying your sheets, opt out of using dryer sheets, which often contain fragrance, a catch-all term for over 4,000 chemicals, including endocrine disruptors such as phthalates. Instead, add a couple drops of your favorite organic essential oil to some organic wool dryer balls – these are not only a great safer alternative, but a low-waste option as well!
Tip #3: Avoid aerosol air fragrance cans. In addition to containing artificial fragrance, they may also contain volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which are known carcinogens. One great alternative is paraffin-free candles (we like Good Light brand!). My personal fave is using an essential oil diffuser – I love to use organic eucalyptus oil because it has an uplifting scent that helps to keep me awake and concentrated while watching lectures!
Though we are living in a stressful time, I hope these small tips empower you to clean your space while also using safer products. Be sure to stay tuned for more tips on how to take care of yourself and your space on our social media during this month of Safer Self-Care September. For further information on cleaning supplies, be sure to check out
Disclaimer: The information provided herein is the author’s opinion. Our authors are not scientists. We are not providing medical advice, but simply sharing publicly available information. When we reference data and databases, we do so with the caveat that most are only as good as the data they are based on. While POB strives to make the information as timely and accurate as possible, we make no claims, promises, or guarantees about the completeness, or adequacy of the contents of any site that is shared, and expressly disclaims liability for errors and omissions in the contents of these sites. POB goes to great lengths to avoid declaring shared products as “safe” as there is no legal definition of the word “safe” at this time.