#Realfacts: Our Obligation to you in an era of “Fake News” and Industry-funded Scientists

unnamedAs terms like “alternative facts” and “fake news” emerge today, we want to take a moment to assure you, our devoted followers, that we are sharing peer-reviewed science from reputable sources. Our tips for safer alternatives on Instagram and Twitter may seem simple, but they are not easy to translate and confirm. Our Facebook feed shares reports and articles from reputable news services that do not feature brands– in either a positive or a negative light. Our student blog posts come from peer-reviewed journal articles or expert panels recommended by or reviewed by our science advisory.

Any brands mentioned in our social media are vetted for the safety of their product and packaging by our science advisory. With industry-funded research on the rise and some scientists hired by corporations to refute or downplay evidence, how can we know these articles are real? By ourselves, we cannot. Thankfully, we have asked those who can to help us. Our science advisory is comprised of some of the most highly respected authorities in their fields. They know the scientists and have the historical knowledge and expertise to decipher truth from fiction. We are forever in their debt.

Sharing the truth, without hyperbole, is critical to us. Breast cancer is a scary topic and avoiding concerning chemicals in products seems overwhelming. We want you to feel empowered with the information you can trust that will help you protect yourself. We want you to know we will continue to do everything in our power to ensure we only give you #Realfacts.

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To learn more about research-for- hire, see the following examples for sugar, tobacco and climate change:





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